Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chile Colorado

Days are still hot and humid, but the nights are beginning to cool off a bit. It's still not cool enough to bake comfortably, but it will be soon. I was looking through my recipes and found my Chile Colorado. So I thought you might like to have this one. In a few days I'll post Chile Verde. Enjoy!

Chile Colorado
Makes about 12 servings

4 ounces dried New Mexico chiles

3 cups water

½ cup olive oil or salad oil

2 large onions, chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced or pressed

5 pounds boneless beef chuck, cut into 1 ½ inch cubes

½ cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro

2 teaspoons each ground cumin, ground cloves, dry oregano leaves, dry rosemary, and dry tarragon

2 large cans ( 28 ounces each) tomatoes

1 can ( 14 ½ ounces ) regular strength beef broth

Garnishes: choose from the following, arranged in separate bowls: 2 cups ( 8 ounces ) shredded Cheddar cheese, 2 cups diced tomatoes, and 1 large onion, finely chopped.

Rinse chiles; discard stems and seeds. Break chiles into pieces. Combine chiles and water in a 2 ½ to 3 quart pan. Bring to a boil over high heat; reduce heat, cover, and simmer until chiles are soft (about 30 minutes).

In a blender, whirl chiles and their liquid until puréed. Rub purée through a fine wire strainer; discard residue. Set purée aside.

Heat oil in a 6 to 8 quart pan over medium heat. When oil is hot, add onions and garlic; cook stirring often, until onions are soft (about 10 minutes). Sprinkle meat with flour. Add meat and chile purée to pan and cook, stirring for 5 minutes.

Add cilantro, cumin, cloves, oregano, rosemary, tarragon, tomatoes (break up with a spoon) and their liquid, and broth. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, stirring often, until meat is very tender when pierced ( 3 to 4 hours).
Offer garnishes to add to individual servings.


  1. Everytime I come to your blog, I feel like I'm back in my grandma's kitchen. I'm saving this one too! :)

  2. Every time I come to your blog, I'm reminded that I don't make Mexican food at home and I should. I want to print ot ever post you've done, go to my grocery and make sure I get EVERYTHING. My pocketbook won't open in protest of such an expensive trip, but it's what I want to do...

  3. Chile would be sooo awesome on a cold night. I can imagine sitting by the fire and having this stuff. Very tasty indeed. I'm looking forward to the verde, which is something I've always wanted to do, but am kinda chicken about :)

  4. Teresa, Your Chile Colorado looks delicious. And do I detect homemade tortillas in the background? BTW, can I use this recipe in a new cookbook I'm writing?

  5. mmmm, this looks really good. I love chillies.

  6. Hi Theresa

    Great recipes. Sorry it's been sometime since I visited your blog. I am rectifying this, I promise. You've got some great spicy food. I love chilli!


  7. Hi again Teresa (spelt it right this time)

    Thanks for comments on my blog. I am going to link you to my favourites; then i won't forget to visit! Ciao.

  8. Thank you for posting this reciepe. This was the first dish I remember sharing with my grandma as a little kid. Her dipping the tortillias in the sauce for me. Pretty unknown to alot of my fellow midwesterners, but a comfort for me!
