Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beer Braised Beef Ribs

It’s Wednesday and already it’s been one heck of a week. A couple of weeks ago I decided to start an additional blog, one about another one of my passions – Mexican Chocolate. I had a list of objectives I was determined to accomplish by certain deadlines (set my me) and get the blog online by last weekend. Well, as we all know, we can set all the deadlines we want, but if life has a different deadline for you, life’s going to win out.

My beloved husband Bob, had a carcinoma detected on a recent visit to the doctor and was told it had to come out. They said it was no big deal. So we made the appointment and he took a weeks vacation time so he could recoup. He had surgery last Tuesday. Came out of the doctor’s office with this huge bandage on his face. After having the doctor go in to the area twice to make sure that he’d gotten it all, Bob was told he could go home and rest. He was also told he could go into work the next day.

Well we got home and he started bleeding all over the place. Got that stopped. Being a manly man, he went into work the next day and was back home by 10 am. He rested and his face puffed up like a balloon! We called the doctor and we were told, oh it’s OK. It’s common. It might be common, but we hadn’t been told. Anyway, Bob had his stitches taken out yesterday – on his birthday. What a day. He’s been napping and feeling a little better everyday. So I thought I’d make him one of his favorites, Beer Braised Beef Ribs. I’ll work on my chocolate blog later this afternoon and let you know when it’s up and running so you can come and visit. Thanks for putting up with the rant, but I guess it comes with the territory of being a foodie buddy.

Beer Braised Beef Ribs
Makes 6 servings

5 pounds boneless beef ribs
2 to 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 large onions, cut into rings
2 cups sliced carrots
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 or 2 cups of your favorite beer
1 cup crushed tomatoes
1 teaspoon of your favorite mustard
Salt and pepper to taste

Salt and pepper ribs, and preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large heavy skillet over medium heat. Brown the ribs on all sides, turning 7 to 10 minutes. Depending on how many ribs you're cooking, you may have to do this a few times to brown all the ribs. Place browned ribs in an oven-safe casserole dish.

Add remaining 1 tablespoon fat to skillet if needed. Sauté the onions until browned, stirring frequently so they don't burn. Add the carrot slices and sauté another 2 to 3 minutes. Add the garlic and cook 2 minutes longer. Pour in the beer, tomatoes and mustard. Increase heat to high
and simmer for 1 minute. Pour the tomato mixture over the short ribs and mix thoroughly.

Cover the ribs and bake 2 1/2 to 3 hours until meat is very tender, but turn the ribs every 45 minutes while they are baking. Add water if needed. When desired doneness is achieved, remove and serve.


  1. What a week! I hope Bob is feeling much better--he must be after those ribs. They look sensational! Can't wait to see the new site--I love my chocolate.
    Take care!

  2. I'm glad Bob is doing much better. I wish him all the best in a speedy recovery.

    I love the addition of beer to the ribs. Certainly a manly man's dish, and I bet Bob was happy.

    Glad we got all this crazy comment stuff figured out :) Oh, and good luck on the new site. Keep me in the know.

  3. Thanks, Teri, for helping us out with our adoption cookbook. By the looks of your blog, your recipe will be fantastic! I hope your husband continues to improve, too! Can't wait to check out the chocolate blog!

  4. Sounds like a rough time. Sympathies. But at least you have some really delicious looking food to get you both through. :)

  5. I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your husband! He sounds like a tough guy; I certainly couldn't have made it to work the next day -- but I'm a weenie when it comes to pain :).

    This ribs look utterly delicious! Comfort food at it's best, I'd say. I've had steak marinated in beer, but I've never had beer braised ribs -- I love the idea, and I know my hubby will too :).

  6. Teresa I am sorry to hear about Bob, I hope he is better how scary. That was sweet of you to make one of his favorite meals. That dish looks out of this world and it has beer in it i love the addtition of beer to recipes. I hope he continues to do well. ttys.

    Hey Teresa can you believe i got up this morning and it was only 69 degress in hot old Dallas Ikes its a cold front LOL today only in the 90's i am so syked.


  7. Poor Bob! Or maybe "Yay, Bob!" because he got one of his favorite dishes!

    The only beer braised ribs I've done always have gnocci with them. I will try your next time.

    Here's mine:

  8. What a crazy week! I hope your hubby is feeling better. What a sad way to spend a birthday - I am sure you will make it up for him though! ;) Maybe with some chocolate?

    Those short ribs look AMAZING. Yum. I have never made them before, but I do like eating them!

  9. Thank you everyone for the heart felt wishes for my honey. I'm really touched. It helps to have a fine foodie family like this in troubled times. You guys are great.
