Yeah, Bob thought I'd lost it as I sat there sniffing in the glorious aromas that surrounded me. Thank you so much Michele. I send you a big, big hug.

Reeni, from Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice gave me the Superior Scribbler Award. Thank you Reeni. You are one of the sweetest ladies I know. You are always writng beautiful comments to all the blogs you view and are a very generous and caring foodie friend. On top of this, you have a magnificent blog yourself. You blog from the heart, Reeni. So, my heart goes out to you dear friend.
I pass on this award to Megan, from Megan's Cookin. Megan is a lovely lady. She's a blogger after my own heart. She's thoughtful, caring, organized and she showed me the Mr. Happy Spoon which I fell in love with.
I also pass this award onto Ivy from Kopiaste.. to Greek Hospitality. Not only is Ivy an incredible blogger and foodie, but she is involved with Blogger Aid, an organization of Bloggers Uniting to Aid in the Alleviation of Hunger. Kudos to you my dear Ivy. Your heart and caring will be rewarded.
Next comes Ramya from Memory Archieved, A Passion for Cooking. Boy, let me tell you, she really got me to let it all hang out!
She presented me with the Kreativ Blogger Award. But with this award comes the completion of you getting to know me a bit better.
I will listing seven answers per category and then (watch out now) I'll be passing it on to seven unsuspecting bloggers.
Number 1
Seven things that I say more often:
1. Oh, good Lord!
2. No kidding?
3. I love you
4. Good grief!
5. Who took my chocolate?
6. Cool!
7. Honey (Bob) Angel (Lily) Hi Mijo (Mikey)
Number 2
Seven things I did before
1. Sketched in pencil and charcoal
2. Wore business suits and heels (ugh!)
3. Ate too much fast food
4. Waited to have someone help me with computer stuff (no more, I look it up and learn what I need)
5. Was anal about keeping the house clean
6. Did cross stitch
7. Did not envision dreams and goals
Number 3
Seven things I do now
1. Write with pleasure
2. Cook and experiment in the kitchen
3. Search for Vampire stories
4. Blog to my hearts content
6. Crotchet, little bits at a time (arthritis)
7. Clean the house when it needs cleaning (instead of because that’s what I think should be done)
Number 4
Seven things I want to do
1. Publish 2 (or 3) more books this coming year
2. Educate my self on the fine art of computer science
3. Become a professional chocolatier
4. Have a complete makeover
5. Start sewing again
6. Help my daughter accomplish her dreams
7. Renew my romantic relationship with my beloved now that he’s semi-retired
Number 5
Seven things that attract me about the opposite sex
1. A loving, caring, respectful nature
2. A gentle smile
3. Honesty
4. A sense of humor
5. Be romantic
6. Be adventuresome
7. Be comfortable with who he is
Number 6
Seven favorite foods
1. Chocolate, chocolate and more chocoate
2. Mexican food – all kinds
3. Pasta
4. Chicken prepared in many different ways
5. Veggies! I love veggies.
6. Buttered bread
7. Coffee, tequila, Kahlua and water
Now for the 7 bloggers whom I would like to pass this on to:
Megan at http://megansmunchies.blogspot.com/
Esi at http://dishingupdelights.blogspot.com/
Valley Writer at http://pioneervalleyma.blogspot.com/
Nikki at http://niksnacks.blogspot.com/
Nazarina at http://giddygastronome.blogspot.com/
Christy at http://christyskitchencreations.blogspot.com/
Vanessa at http://3rsvan.wordpress.com/
Have fun with this. If you can and want to do it great. If for some reason you are not inclined to, no worries. I still love you. Remember that these "exercises" are simply for pleasure and meant to be stress relievers. Having gotten lost for the past couple of hours doing this blog kept my mind from wondering too far. It helped bring back a smile and some peace into this day. I hope it does the same for you. Big hugs to all.
Congrats on your awards and it was lovely reading about you...
Thank-you for the kind words, you are very sweet too! I bet that candle smells delicious. Thanks for sharing all those little tidbits about yourself. I have no doubt that the things you want to do will be accomplished. I have thought about being a chocolatier too. There is a new Vampire show on HBO called Trublood, I am wondering if your watching them or have you read the books it is based on?
Teresa....This entire food blog is greek and latin to me still and none respond or comment,i am yet to learn the tricks and treade here. The canvas is my sons paintings....thanks for your comments and encouragements
All very well deserved awards!
And I love the idea of soy candles.
Reeni - True Blood is great! I have only seen 4 episodes but I am loving it.
Wow! Congrats on your awards! I really love reading and get to know my fellow food bloggers. These are well deserved and thank you for passing it to me! :)
I'm so glad that you are enjoying your candle sweetie! Have you gotten the chance to use your gift certificate yet? I'm betting that you went for the chocolate covered strawberry one. One little tip about a soy candle...you can use the wax on your hands like lotion. It feels wonderful and you get to walk around smelling great too. :-)
Congrats for winning this lovely prize and thank you also Teresa for passing on the Award to me. Thank you for your kind words and for the mention of BloggerAid. We would love to have you as a member.
Congrats on the wonderful awards.
I love the saying who took the chocolate ;-)
I like these award posts because it not only feels like a celebration, but we all learn some cool stuff. I had no idea you wore suits, that sounds so buisness-y :)
I did the fast food to veggies 180 too. I'm working on the chocolate thing, so maybe one day...
Oh and thanks for the award on Mexican Chocolate. I'll post about it soon :)
Teresa, there's another Award for you on my blog.
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