Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tina's Banana Bread and a Meme

Ophelia's Easy Banana Bread

Last month, Tina from Mommy's Kitchen shared this wonderful, tasty and easy to prepare recipe with us. I immediately liked it because of how simple the recipe was to prepare. I really like Tina's blog. She prepares the style of food that I consider "comfort" food and my family enjoys. We're not fussy eaters. No architecturally designed food dishes for us. And, we love Banana Bread.

My Mom made the best banana bread ever. No recipe, no instructions. Butter, flour, vanilla, sugar, eggs, bananas, milk, and some baking soda. If you wanted to learn her recipe, you stood watch and took notes.

So, when Tina posted this recipe, I knew I had to try it. Oh my, it was good. Delicious and moist. I think if you try the recipe you'll see for yourself. Way to go Tina. Thank you neighbor!

Ophelia's Banana Bread

1 Package Yellow Cake Mix (Any Brand)
1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil
3 Bananas, Mashed
2 Eggs Beaten
½ Cup Milk
½ Cup Chopped Walnuts or Pecans

Add dry cake mix to a large bowl. Add eggs, oil and milk. Blend on low with mixer then add bananas. Pour into a greased large loaf pan or two small loaf pans. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Let cool and slice. If the banana bread starts too brown to fast just tent with foil and continue baking
And that's it. How simple is that? I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as we did.

over at Cookbook Cuisine sent me a "six random things about me" -meme that I wasn't really sure I wanted to take part in. You see, I'm normally a shy and private person. So telling things about myself is really difficult. But, what the heck. If you can't open up to family, like my foodie buddies, who can you open up with?


1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

So six random things about me are:
1. I'm short, my hair is thinning and I'm overweight by 10 pounds.
2. I love experimenting in the kitchen, but, I always get back to basics: CHOCOLATE.
3. Celebrating my first Valentine's Day with Bob after we got married, my gift to him was a collection of poetry that I wrote especially for him that is rated XXX. He still has the book. It's hidden in his underwear drawer (20 years later).
4. I love Vampire stories. I was devastated when Anne Rice stopped the Vampire Chronicles.
5. I believe in UFO's. I've seen them. Cross my heart. I almost totaled my car following one.
6. Having become part of the foodie blogroll and meeting so many fine people has brought a great joy to my life and filled a void only another writer can understand.

And there you go. That's who I am. Love you guys. I will now target the next 6 unsuspecting foodies. They are:
1. Ben from What's Cooking
2. Prudence, Glass Slipper Cakery
3. Happy Cook, My KitchenTreasures
4. Lori, The Recipe Girl
5. Tina, Mommy's Kitchen
6. Reeni, Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice
Check out my chocolate blog, Mexican Chocolate Lore and More for a fabulous FREE chocolate offer!
Joke for today:
A grade school teacher asked her students to use the word "Fascinate" in a sentence. Maria put up her hand and said "My family went to my abuelitos farm and we all saw his pet cabrito. "It was fascinating."
The teacher said "That was good but i wanted you to use the word "Fascinate not Fascinating."
Enriqueta shyly raised her hand and said "My family went to the zoo and we all saw Lions. "I was fascinated."
The teacher said "Well, that was good Enriqueta but I wanted you to use the word "Fascinate."
Pepito raised his hand.The teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Pepito before. She finally decided there was no way Pepito could damage the word "Fascinate" so she called on him.
Pepito said "My sister has a sweater with ten buttons,but her chichis are so big she can only fasten eight! ;)


  1. Banana Bread made with a cake mix sounds like it would be really moist. Looks good.
    I wasn't sure I wanted to do the meme either, but decided to open up and share. I'm glad you did, too. :) That's so sweet that Bob saved the triple-X rated book.

  2. Thanks so much for thinking of me for a meme but I'm afraid I'm going to choose to decline. I too am wary about sharing too much. Sorry to be a bummer!

  3. Funny Teresa! Very cute.
    My daughter was just watching a cartoon that was asking kids if they were stranded on a desert island what food would they want to have and I realized just now that I never responded to that blogger "activity" you'd sent me a message about. So Sorry!!

  4. Teresa I am so glad you loved the banana bread. In fact i am making a batch today for my harvest baskets. Love the glaze on top.

  5. I beleve in UFO's. I have never seen any but my father has seen two different ones in his lifetime. They were both in Washington State. I beleave!
    BTW-10 pounds in not over weight, it's just bloated. :)
    Nice recipe too. Sometimes you gotta love it when it all starts with a mix

  6. Haha, I don't know where to start! The joke is cute. The banana bread looks moist and tasty. Love how easy it is to make. UFO's, why not? Space is vast and endless. There must be more life than just what is here on Earth. I love Anne Rice too. So sad that she's not writing vampires anymore. How did you like Twilight? Thanks for tagging me for the meme.

  7. I love your FASTEN-ating story, Teresa. The banana bread does look tasty. My sister and nephew are coming to dinner tomorrow. I have my "just in case" yellow cake mix in the cupboard and I'm going to defrost the overripe bananas I always have in the freezer and make it tomorrow. Time to go see what's brewing on your chocolate blog. I can't visit too often 'cause I'm trying to lose weight, LOL.

  8. What a great easy banana bread recipe! Looks delicious!

  9. Banana bread out of a box mix? That's pretty cool, good buddy :) I always have a couple of those laying around.

    Love ALL the fun facts. I'm short, my hair is thinning, and I'm trying to gain weight... so maybe we're closer than I thought :)

    Love the joke. You should keep these up, a nice chuckle section :)

  10. You really made a smashing banana loaf out of a box cake mix! That icing is dripping right onto my fingers and then into my mouth, and the bread itself soon follows.
    My e-mail is Nazarina@karston .com, if you want to know more about the soaps. I pretty much work around anyone's budget. I answered your question about the molds in my last post on my blog, sorry I should have left it on a post of yours.

  11. That banana bread looks beautiful! I've never seen one with a glaze before but why not? Looks great.
