Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Almost Halloween Everyone

I realize I haven’t posted much in the last week. Life gave me lemons and I couldn’t find the sugar to make the lemonade. But I have now, and all is rosy again.

During this time, 3 beautiful foodie buddies have bestowed 3 beautiful blogging awards to this blog. I am very humbled and appreciative. I hereby promise to keep extra sugar on-hand to make any further lemonade life feels a need to present to me. I also promise to keep up with my passion of blogging, writing, cooking, baking and staying in contact with my cyber friends.

My first award comes from VG from My Household Capers. VG is an amazing woman whose blog I love to read not only to learn and share in her experiences in cooking but for those adorable quotes she puts on her blog. I love those. Sometimes it’s just the right words that will make your day. Thank you VG for your love and kindness.

This award will now be bestowed to the following people:
1. Joan from Foodalogue
2. Fabby from Muffins, Cupcakes y Mas
3. Prudence from the Glass Slipper Cakery

The second award comes from my good friend Arlene from The Food of Love. I fantasize about being Arlene, living in a log cabin in the middle of the woods. I see her life as one big romance novel. Picture this: Winter, snow, fireplace, spiked hot chocolate and holding hands with your true love. Not only is she an incredible cook, she’s probably writing her memoirs that we will all certainly rush to buy just to share in the illusion of having been there. I think the name of her blog says it all. Relish your life my dear friend. There are times when I wish I could trade place with you and live among nature. I thank you for this award.

This award will now go to:
1. Gloria from Cookbook Cuisine
2. Adam from Baking with Dynamite
3. Ben from What’s Cooking?

Leslie at Menu Maker Mom presented the third and final award. Leslie is such a hard working mom. Not only is she a great cook and friend, but also toils at preparing weekly menu suggestions that we can all use to save us a little bit of time. We all need that kind of help every once in a while. As much as we love our passion of being foodies, sometimes life gets in the way of planning ahead. We find ourselves getting ready to go grocery shopping and have no idea what to plan for the weekly meals for our hard working families. This is where Leslie comes in (to the rescue—Super Leslie!). Her recommendations are sensible and frugal. Can’t go wrong with that. Leslie you’re a sweetheart. We all thank you for your hard work and I thank you for this award.

This award goes to:
1. Lori from The Recipe Girl
2. Vanessa from 3 Rs Cakes and Cupcakes
3. Maria from Kali Orexi

Each of these 9 blogs has an excellence in their presentation, material, appearance and persona. I appreciate each and every one of them for all I’ve learned just by reading and visiting their blogs. They are caring, witty, loving, and knowledgeable experts in their own field of cooking and baking and valuable information they have to share with the rest of us foodies. Please visit each one and congratulate them for a job well done.

Hasta luego mis querido amigos. I’m preparing the Sugar Skulls (Alfeñique) for my Friday post. Halloween is coming…so is Dia de los Muertos. You can’t let this day go by without making your own sugar skulls. I will also share with you some great information about Jose Guadalupe Posada whose paintings centered around Dia de Los Muertos. Scary, very scary, but traditional.

Mexican Word of the day: JUICY
Hey vato tell me if juicy the cops!


  1. I'm so glad to hear that everything is better for you. I was getting a little worried not seeing you post and not hearing from you. My mother used to tell me a twisted version of the "when life hands you lemons" saying. She would tell me that when life hands you lemons....stuff them down your shirt and make your B**bs look bigger! Great advice from a mother, huh? Drop me an e-mail when you get a chance sweetie! :-)

  2. Fluttering my butterfly wings over to thank you. f I'm really in awe of the support and generosity of the food-blogging community and so happy to be welcomed into it. Thank you -- and I'll get that little butterfly over to 3 other bloggers.

  3. I'm glad your back and hope your OK. You deserve all these awards and more for writing two wonderful blogs, you are amazing!

  4. Thank you sooo much. Nice of you to think of me.

    Glad to see you posting again.. hope all is ok :)

  5. Teresa, You are so awesome! You totally deserve all these awards because in addition to being a great cook, chocolate lover, and foodie, you're also a warm, caring person.
    Thanks for the "E" Award! Hugs. :)
    BTW, michele -- I really like your lemon advice. LOL

  6. Oh, dear, Blogger ate my comment, so let me try again. I'm happy that whatever was stealing the sugar in your life has passed. You deserve all good things, amiga. Thank you for the lovely mention. I do love sitting and looking out my windows. My great American novel hasn't gotten past the short story stage, but there's hope yet. Be well.

  7. Tere, disculpa que te escriba en español. Entiendo muy bien el inglés pero me cuesta trabajo escribirlo. Me dio mucho gusto recibir ese hermoso premios. Te lo juro, hiciste que se me salieran las lágrimas. Estoy feliz que disfrutes de mi blog. Verdaderamente me gusta compartir lo que hago y Wow!!! ha sido una verdadera sorpresa que a ti te guste!
    Te mando un abrazo bien grande Tere, y nuevamente, mil gracias por ese increíble premio!
    ¿Puedo ponerlo en mi blog verdad?

  8. Thank you so much Teresa! This is so greatly appreciated--you made my day!!
    I hope things are better for you now ... I swear I was one the lookout for some new posts from you so I can get some new ideas for Halloween! I'll be patient :)

  9. Teresa-

    What an honor to receive such a beautiful award!! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!! That is SO sweet!

    Thanks for being such a wonderful person! I appreciate your generosity. It is so nice to be connected to people who have the same appreciation for food and life!

    Glad you are feeling better!!

  10. Those awards are so richly deserved! And I am pleased they came at a time when you needed to see that you are so very much appreciated by all the bloggers out there!

    Can't wait to hear about the sugar skulls!
