Sunday, July 27, 2008

El Premio Arte Y Pico

Boy is my face red! Not only did I get an award from Elle, I also got the Brilliant Weblog award from Tina at Mommy's kitchen. Then I find out Meryl, Inspired Bites, had also bequeathed to me the El Premio Arte y Pico Award. I am feeling so humbled. So, now to share this beautiful gift with five other creative bloggers. And the award goes to...............

Nikki at Nik Snaks.

Nikki is so cool. She can't sit still. She cooks, she teaches, she writes, she's very creative and down to earth. So, my wonderful Nikki, this goes to you.

Esi at Dishing Up Delights.

Esi's blog is artfully done with very tasty dishes.

Deb at Kahakai Kitchen.

I love her site..and I’m especially jealous of the fact that she’s in Hawaii. How wonderful.

Gloria at Cookbook Cuisine.

From one author to another, I have great respect for all the trials and tribulations that we go through in getting published or self publishing. Kudos to you.

Cyndi at Cookin’ with Cyndi.

Looking over Cookin’ with Cyndi, I realized that she is a woman of many talents. First, she’s a stickler for proper grammar, she loves to cook, and she loves to stitch. My cross stitching days are over (arthritis), but I still crotchet for short periods of time. So any cook who also has a passion for stitching is allright in my book.

Please, everyone, go these wonderful bloggers' sites and congratulate them on a job well done.

Now it's your turn award recipients. You must each pick five blog sites that you would like to award the El Premio Arte y Pico. Congratulations everyone.


  1. I'm so excited to receive my first blogging award. Thank you so much. This has been a great experience!

  2. Oh, wow! Thank you, Teresa! I'm so flattered, honored, and for a lack of a better word, humbled by this award! Thank you, my friend! Thank you!

  3. Wow. Thank you so much. This is so cool! I feel so special! :) Looked around your blog and I love it! I'm not all that far from you--San Antonio--the food is great!

  4. Teresa, Thank you so much! I am very honored to receive this from you! BTW--I love your site too. Now I have to figure out who to pass it on too--I'm going to have to sleep on that one!

  5. Hola Teresa¡¡ estoy encantada de conocerte. Muchísimas gracias por tus comentarios en mi blog. Realmente el amor por la cocina une a muchas personas de todo el mundo, verdad?
    Debido al trabajo de mi marido hemos viajado por todo el mundo y definitivamente la cocina mexicana es una de las más atractivas para mí... cuando estuvimos en Mexico DC tuve la oportunidad de saborear la auténtica de allí, tomada en los restaurantes tradicionales, no los especiales para turístas y me encantó... adoro todo lo mexicano, desde la gente, pasando por la comida, hasta sus maravillas arquitectónicas y naturales.
    Aunque naciste en EEUU supongo que la proximidad con la frontera mexicana habrá influido mucho en tu cocina. Dedicaré mucho tiempo a repasar tus platillos. Parecen deliciosos y creo que podré aprender mucho de tí.
    Besos desde España.

  6. Teresa (that's my daughter's name!), muchisimas gracias!!!

    I'll definitely be coming back to visit more often. Thanks again for the honor.

  7. Congrats on your award. I'm excited to find your blog. I love Mex food and I'm anxious to make your chili rellenos and rice and beans.

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